
i have heard so many words that i dont understand and so many things that are going on that am not even sure. jaxton is here! he is not in any pain! there will be lots of decisions that lisa and josh have to make…some sooner rather than later. right now lisa is in the NICU with jaxton!! she and josh are spending quality time as a family. the doctor was able to remove the other cyst from jaxton’s umbilical cord. right now they are inserting a central line. this is a more permanent IV line and give will jaxton better access to medication. jaxton does have VSD, a heart condition involving a hole. his heart is large for his size and not developed “normally”. they have moved him from a ventilator which breathes 60 times to a high frequency ventilator which breathes over 400 times a min…this is helping his lungs because they are formed more like a preemie.  the omephalocele (sorry if that is spelled wrong) is large and will not be able to be operated on right now. it includes his intestines and his liver, or at least part of it. becuase he has grown in the womb with the “O” his belly is not big enough to hold the organs, which is why they cant do surgery right now.


right now, this is all that i can think of, thank you for being patient with me. there are so many decisions to be made. please pray that lisa and josh have peace about their decisions. please pray that the doctors can get a very accurate  picture of what is going on and what they can do to give jaxton the best care possible.





17 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by jennifer on February 23, 2011 at 10:36 pm

    Thank you Aimee for updates. Still praying for Jaxton, Lisa and Josh. God is in control.


  2. Posted by Kristine Galizio on February 23, 2011 at 10:37 pm

    You are doing a fantastic job with the updates, medical jargon and all. As an NICU nurse, this can be so confusing to all. It will be a rollercoaster ride for all involved, but with you being so kind to do the updates, it allows Lisa and Josh to stay with their precious baby, yet still get the word out. You are truly an inspiration

    Kristine Galizio


  3. Posted by Amanda on February 23, 2011 at 10:47 pm

    Thank you so much for updating us Aimee! You are doing a wonderful job. We will keep praying!!!


  4. Posted by just Guillermo on February 23, 2011 at 10:49 pm

    Thank you for being with the Hussmans and for being with us all through the distance. God bless you Aimee! Please give josh a & lisa a comforting hug from guillermo and tell them that we are praying for them as the evening goes on.


  5. Posted by Kimberly (PFB) on February 23, 2011 at 10:49 pm

    We are praying…praying for his strength. And for all of you that are there that are in “the front lines” you are ALL spiritual soldiers!


  6. Posted by Brittany on February 23, 2011 at 10:51 pm

    Bless you Aimee for doing a wonderful job with the updates. My prayers will continue for this amazing little family.


  7. Thank you Aimee for all of your updates. We are all praying constantly for this sweet miraculous child.


  8. Posted by Jenna on February 23, 2011 at 10:58 pm


    Thanks for the updates! The B-Ripple outpost prayed for them all tonight! I just wanted to post to say that we would love to see a picture of Jaxton as soon as available!! We want to meet the little guy (at least by picture for now)! Thanks! You are an awesome support for them!


  9. Praying & thinking of you this night … I know the pain of a child in crisis & trusting the Lord to give you His peace that surpasses understanding. Love from KY, Debbie


  10. Posted by Dennis and Pam Pratt on February 23, 2011 at 11:01 pm

    Aimee , Thank you for supporting Josh and Lisa as you have. We ‘ve been watching for your words all night and wanting to know how to pray. Your efforts have helped. We asked God right now for divine wisdom for Josh and Lisa and to have His hand upon Jaxton. Dennis and Pam


  11. Posted by Lisa Rutland on February 23, 2011 at 11:03 pm

    Thank you Aimee, you are an amazing friend to Lisa and Josh! PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING….


  12. Posted by Julie on February 23, 2011 at 11:12 pm

    Aimee thank you so much for the updates. My heart is so heavy for them right now. Daddy God has them in the palm of His hand and I just pray for comfort and peace for Josh and Lisa and wisdom as they make decisions. That God’s will would be obvious and evident.


  13. Posted by Susan Carriere on February 23, 2011 at 11:55 pm

    Thank you, Aimee for all the updates. All your heartfelt words.


  14. Sounds like Jaxton is doing pretty well and I’m glad they had a safe delivery. =) Thanks for keeping us updated.


  15. Thanks for the update Aimee – I anxiously await an update this morning on how the rest of the night went. I hope they are holding him constantly and enjoying every moment. He is such a doll and I’m so glad I was able to be there for it – I’m thankful God is giving them time to be with Jaxton.
    Thanks again. 🙂


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